Transportation-related losses trigger an immediate need for experienced counsel to investigate a claim and preserve evidence, and also to defend a claim if a suit is filed. Morrison Mahoney’s team of seasoned transportation attorneys bring decades of experience defending and investigating transportation related matters. They are your best asset to provide effective Rapid Emergency Response when facing a significant loss or when you receive notice of a claim or suit.
Defense of Transportation Suits and Claims
When developing defenses, our experience shines a light on the best paths to discover and investigate the allegations of all parties involved. Our continual work with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) provides a unique familiarity with crucial standards and best practices that apply to transportation companies and their drivers. We are also armed with a team of superb expert consultants who analyze evidence and applicable regulations, standards and best practices, and form opinions. We have prepared and defended hundreds of drivers and operators, company safety managers and terminal managers for depositions. Perhaps most importantly, we dissect plaintiff claims, identify viable defenses and risk transfer opportunities, propose resolution strategies and take the litigation steps to obtain goals, whether a negotiated settlement, trial or pre-trial dismissal.
The firm’s attorneys serve as directors, officers, faculty and active members of national and international transportation defense organizations. They have decades of experience analyzing facts, data and other information to provide realistic advice to clients.
Rapid Emergency Response: Being Where Clients Need Us Most
If a transportation-related accident or event occurs anywhere from Pennsylvania to Maine, the Morrison Mahoney Rapid Emergency Response team should be your first call. Our team immediately responds to your call and retains accident reconstructionists, field adjusters, cargo loss adjusters and investigators who preserve necessary data and logs, inform important decisions and solidify cases. Our team works collectively with transportation companies and their drivers to capture physical evidence, witness statements, and other items before they are lost. Our high caliber transportation attorneys use all of this information and combine it with the foundational FMCSR to appropriately counsel clients.
For more information about how we can assist you with a transportation-related legal matter, please contact any of our transportation law attorneys.
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The Leading Trial Firm
in the Northeast
Morrison Mahoney LLP takes more cases to trial than any firm in the Northeast. While not every case should be tried, Morrison Mahoney’s reputation as a trial powerhouse means that its clients have the real option to try a case if a desired settlement cannot be achieved. We focus on the needs of each client and diligently pursue a strategy to gain the desired results.