With a history of courtroom success, Morrison Mahoney has delivered strong, capable and cost-effective legal solutions for over 75 years. We proudly share our success stories.
Joe Desmond & Joe Fogarty Obtain Defense Verdict for Assisted Living Facility
Morrison Mahoney Partner Joe Desmond and Associate Joe Fogarty obtained a defense verdict for their assisted living facility client after a week and a half long jury trial in federal court in Boston.
Bridget Lopez Obtains Defense Verdict in Suffolk Superior Court
Morrison Mahoney Associate Bridget Lopez recently obtained a defense verdict following a three day trial in Suffolk Superior Court involving a motorcycle versus motor vehicle accident.
Alan Brown Obtains Dismissal of BBO Complaint
The complainant alleged that the attorney failed to honor a medical provider lien when disbursing settlement proceeds in a personal injury action.
Brent Tingle Obtains Defense Verdict in Middlesex Superior Court
Morrison Mahoney Partner Brent Tingle obtained a defense verdict after a two week trial in Middlesex Superior Court in Lowell. The case involved a newborn who had significant complications following a newborn circumcision that led to scar formation and issues.
Brent Tingle Obtains Defense Verdict in Salem Superior Court
Morrison Mahoney Partner Brent Tingle obtained a defense verdict after a 2-week trial in Salem Superior Court. Our client was a radiologist who interpreted a chest X-ray which was being done for screening purposes on a patient with a past history of lung cancer that had been successfully treated.
Alan Brown & Avana Anderson Obtain Defense Verdict in Worcester Superior Court
The Plaintiff, who was a real estate professional, sued her former attorney following the end of their eighteen-year personal (including having children together) and professional relationship.
The Leading Trial Firm
in the Northeast
Morrison Mahoney LLP takes more cases to trial than any firm in the Northeast. While not every case should be tried, Morrison Mahoney’s reputation as a trial powerhouse means that its clients have the real option to try a case if a desired settlement cannot be achieved. We focus on the needs of each client and diligently pursue a strategy to gain the desired results.