Morrison Mahoney has been involved in the defense of a wide range of pharmaceutical and medical device products with claims ranging from soft tissue damage and amputation to wrongful death and serious brain trauma.

Our extensive medical malpractice knowledge combined with our products liability expertise has uniquely positioned us to understand the complexities and issues involved in the defense of life science claims. Our teams make use of our nurse paralegals and partners to effectively focus on medical records and medical issues together with our experienced litigation counsel.

Our team has been involved in class actions in both the US and Canada and has been effective in the coordination of lawsuits, defense of multi-district litigation, and management of mass torts—either directly or by providing our clients with audits of both litigation structure and legal billings. Our attorneys have participated in the settlement of over $2 billion in life science claims over the past 10 years.

We have experience:

  • Auditing defense bills, structuring a defense strategies and protocols, and coordinating settlement programs
  • Providing counsel to clients involved in mass tort actions involving pharmaceutical products
  • Acting as primary settlement counsel in class actions
  • Defending diverse medical devices such as ophthalmological microscopes, pain pumps, lasers, skin treatment devices, and Kugel mesh
  • Defending various clinical research organizations in E&O litigation

For more information about how we can assist you, please contact any of our life sciences attorneys.

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Morrison Mahoney LLP takes more cases to trial than any firm in the Northeast. While not every case should be tried, Morrison Mahoney’s reputation as a trial powerhouse means that its clients have the real option to try a case if a desired settlement cannot be achieved. We focus on the needs of each client and diligently pursue a strategy to gain the desired results.