Firm Success

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Firm Success

Our Results
Firm Success2023-12-11T12:19:42-05:00

With a history of courtroom success, Morrison Mahoney has delivered strong, capable and cost-effective legal solutions for over 75 years. We proudly share our success stories.

Morrison Mahoney Partner Chris Monson Obtains Summary Judgement in Hybrid Medical Malpractice Product Defect Case

September 27, 2024|

Morrison Mahoney partner Chris Monson recently obtained summary judgment in a hybrid-medical malpractice-product defect case involving severe injuries suffered by a plaintiff during a routine Greenlight Laser prostate surgery. The plaintiff claimed that the defendant provided a defective Greenlight Laser via a rental agreement to Wentworth Douglas Hospital in New [...]

Morrison Mahoney Partner Chris Monson Prevails before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Overturning Superior Court Ruling

July 3, 2024|

Morrison Mahoney Partner Chris Monson recently prevailed before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, which overturned a Superior Court ruling and enforced an arbitration agreement contained in an online contract. The case has far-reaching implications beyond the rideshare context at issue and will be considered a leading precedent when courts in [...]

The Leading Trial Firm
in the Northeast

Morrison Mahoney LLP takes more cases to trial than any firm in the Northeast. While not every case should be tried, Morrison Mahoney’s reputation as a trial powerhouse means that its clients have the real option to try a case if a desired settlement cannot be achieved. We focus on the needs of each client and diligently pursue a strategy to gain the desired results.

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